Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Senior Slump

Things in the 65000 have been crawling along this week. The seniors I teach have effectively mailed it in. Almost all have been accepted to university and showing up is a formality at this point. Of the 40 students in my class 4 showed up on time Wednesday, a few other trickled in over the course of the period, some arriving just as I walked out the door. Do I blame them? Not at all, I did the exact same thing.

I dragged my way through Susan Fetter's habitually depressing calculus class that centered as much around math as it did her painfully awkward tales of romantic failure that lead to her current state as a loveless virgin rabbit keeper with a hobby of sewing clothes from their fur and Dean Pappas' physics hour laden with his political rants, conspiracy theories and anti-government tirades.

School was just a place to find out what was happening the following night or weekend, see who was collecting money for an overpriced beer run and talk about how much better next year was going to be.

I imagine my students are doing much of the same and now I'm the teacher they can't stand.

The free time here has had some positives. For one I came across these photos of the Erawan Waterfalls, which I visited a few months ago, made even more beautiful with the addition of Tom Selleck and some delicious looking sandwiches. Sandwiches probably rank in my top 5 most missed things from home, Tom Selleck not so much.

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