After a lengthy delay it is again time to go shopping here on The Playground. The Sweep is back, the products stranger, the tastes more bizarre than ever before.
The Product: Scotch Bird's Nest Beverage

I've been pretty much fascinated with this stuff since I saw it in the refrigerated section of 7-11. The main question I have remains: Who the fuck was the first person who thought it was a good idea to scale a treacherous incline, steal a bird's home and then consume it? Honestly, I can't even begin to fathom why you would do one of those things let alone the entire trio. Why stop at bird's nests? Why not squirrel nests too? Maybe termite mounds? Let's just go around gobbling up the abodes of all the creatures on Earth.
The Packaging: Looks like a baby food jar emblazoned with old sailor tattoos of swallows. The writing is all in Thai so getting the descriptions and marketing information is impossible.
Appearance: Yellowish but still clear, like a really watered down whiskey cocktail. It also has little bits of nest floating in it. They look like suspended pieces of pasta and remind me of that failed Orbitz drink that briefly graced supermarket shelves in the 90's a time of great boundary pushing in the field of soft drinks, most of them ending horribly. See Crystal Pepsi
Smell: Sweet
Taste: Incredibly sweet. I've never felt the urge to take a sip from a butterfly feeder but this is what I would imagine it would taste like. Hummingbirds and the cockroach man from Men in Black would love this stuff. The texture is horrible, little strings of gelatinous nest are awful.
No video of the bug villain from MIB himself available, so instead you get Nathan doing his impression. Thanks Nat, not bad at all.
Overall: It's like 80 Baht for a shot of this stuff and not even remotely worth it. I can get past the fact that somewhere in Thailand an innocent bird has been relegated to a life of begging, shelter handouts and living in a box because of this product, but I can't get past the syrupy viscous consistency and the ultra sweet taste.
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