Sticking to the Taro Fish Snacks again this week for a two reasons. First, I realized I started mildly last week and BBQ Taro is by far the safest bet as far as the brand is concerned. It's time to sack up and see what the other end of their product line has to offer. Secondly, a student who lives across
the street from me gave me this snack for free so I had to eat it and the price of 0 Baht was hard to beat.
The Product: Taro Fish Snack Korean Seafood Flavoured

The Packaging: This one has a little more authenticity than last week, only a few words in English, a bit more for the eye as well. Our old familiar Taro emblem is back but this time next to some cartoon sushi rolls. A bit morbid to put him right next to a dinner that may include
his deceased friends and relatives.
There is also a woman in the top left corner who is making one of the bolder statements in the history of cuisine, "Best of KOREAN FOOD." This isn't Al Gore claiming he invented the internet, but really, the best? The best Korean food can be found countries away in the form of a mysterious fish product in a fucking airtight bag with the shelf life of one year? I'm calling bullshit and to think I once praised this brand for their honesty.
Appearance: Those perfect ruler straight meticulously Asian strips are back but this time they are the color peas.
Smell: Koi pond.
Taste: Again I'm surprised. I keep waiting for that blast of overwhelming fish taste but it just isn't there. If someone was to salt a dry sponge and serve it to you side by side with this in a blind taste test you would have trouble distinguishing the two.
Overall: Blander than BBQ but my feelings are similar. I certainly could eat this, I wouldn't seek it out and I don't foresee myself having cravings for it anytime soon but it is edible. Hungry enough or inebriated enough Taro would do the trick, but if I've got options, it's staying on the shelf.
Officially calling it on Taro Snacks, next week pressing on into the unknown.
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